Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Horror Movie Empire has the biggest horror movie selection ever! Hey, since i keep talking about horror movies, maybe almost anything into a horror movie site! YEAH!!!! GO AYLA! GO AYLA! GO AYLA!!!!

Horror Villan Ice-Cream Pops

  I found these on stoyns website and they look so cool. i would like me a jason one. mmmmm..... nomnomnom...... sounds gooooood..................... but i think the pinhead one has liquor in it. yup... definetly does.....

celebrate your randomeness!!!

Sunday, August 12, 2012


I learned that best friends do not only have your back, but they always are there when you need them. When my niece, haidyn (baby in profile pic) had to go live at her grandparents house, i called my best friend kelli burdett, and she helped me get over it. last summer when i crashed my bike, i went to the hospital and called my best friend sydney williams, and she helped me stop crying. my best friends are like sister to me. i always like to have sleepovers and have fun with kelli and syd. kelli if you read this, thank you for always being there for me.
-Ayla Morgan Miller

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Mezco LDD (Living Dead Dolls)



Ms. Eerie


These are called Living Dead Dolls. I do not own any, but my favorites are blue, Famine, ms eerie, and schitzo. mezco toys sells them, and each set costs somewhat over $100, but they seem pretty cool. comment your favorite, and dont be shy about it!

My Favorite Music

My favorite songs by Queen are Stone Cold Crazy and Another One Bites the Dust.

Memes and Comics

Its Apple Jack trying to be Hank Hill.

This would be Twilight Sparkle.....Uh, yeah its just Twilight Sparkle

Friday, August 10, 2012


Some more stuffed monsters. Jason, Mike Myers, and then we have Freddy. I want me a Jason one, myself.

Friday's Frights

I was on the blog freddy in space when i found a link to these. Some people think its weird and strange when people make movie monsters all cute and cuddly, but i kinda think its cool.